Documents in general
It is a good idea to order documents in advance. You can place orders with the property secretaries. There is a fee for ordering documents. See our price list for more information.
Property manager´s certificates
If you need a property manager´s certificate and appendices, it is a good idea to order it in advance as it normally takes two or three days to deliver. You can decide how you would like to receive your documents when you order them.
You will need a property manager´s certificate if you are selling your home, drafting an estate inventory or arranging to become a loan guarantor.
The following are examples of the content of property manager´s certificates for various purposes:
1) Extensive basic package (for selling your home):
- property manager´s certificate
- balance sheet and budget
- energy performance certificate and maintenance programme
2) Minimal basic package (for selling your home):
- property manager´s certificate
- energy performance certificate and maintenance programme
3) Property manager´s certificate without appendices for the bank or for an estate inventory
Other common appendices
- The housing company´s articles of association
- The floor plan
If you wish to order any of these documents, you must be listed on the register of shareholders. Alternatively, you can order these documents if the owner has authorised you to do so or, in the case of estate agents, if you are operating on the owner´s assignment.
You can place orders with the property secretaries. You can place orders by phone or by using the order form.
The fees for ordering documents are on our price list.
Maintenance programme
Most of our clients have a maintenance programme. The maintenance programme is usually approved during the general meeting of shareholders and it is an appendix to the property manager´s certificate. The maintenance programme gives information about the renovations that the property will need in the next few years, as well as how these renovations will be financed and completed. Preparation can be made for forthcoming renovations.
The maintenance programme is approved by the general meeting of shareholders and it is an appendix to the property manager´s certificate. You can also order it separately. You can place orders with the property secretaries. You can place orders by phone or by using the order form.
If you are a shareholder, you will receive a copy of the maintenance programme along with your invitation to attend the general meeting of shareholders.
The housing company´s finances
The budget, income statement and balance sheet are appendices to the property manager´s certificate. You can also order them separately. You can place orders with the property secretaries. You can place orders by phone or by using the order form.
If you are a shareholder, you will receive a copy of the balance sheet along with your invitation to attend the general meeting of shareholders.
Please contact our customer service point to enquire about the floor plan of your home.
If you need electrical drawings or drawings of the plumbing in your building, please contact the project manager of our technical office at Gräsantörmä 2.
As with other documents, it is a good idea to order drawings in advance.
You can decide how you would like to receive your documents when you order them.
Extracts from the register of occupants
The register of occupants contains information about the property, the homes within the property and the occupants. If you are applying to Kela for housing benefit, you will need to send an extract from the register of occupants along with your application. You can only receive an extract from the register of occupants if all of the occupants have submitted change-of-address notifications to Matinkylän Huolto Oy. Please contact our customer service point to order and collect extracts from the register of occupants. You can pay in cash when you come to collect your documents.
The housing company´s finances
The budget, income statement and balance sheet are appendices to the property manager´s certificate. You can also buy them separately from our customer service point. If you are a shareholder, you will receive a copy of the balance sheet along with your invitation to attend the general meeting of shareholders.